Monday, August 31, 2015

Matthew 13:24-30

This was the first instance where I couldn't isolate just one verse but needed to include a passage. As it turns out it isn't the prettiest of pages, visually, but I love it.
I LOVE the parables of Jesus.
I love that they are simple and clear enough for everyone to understand.
I also love how they hurt my brain when I think about how deep and complicated they can be.
I am also reading CS Lewis's The Screwtape Letters so the mention of the Enemy planting seeds of weeds in the Master's fields, takes me right to the conversations I am reading in the book.
It brings me great joy to know that God called me. 
I have a contrast in my life's vision of what I thought, and who I was before God called me; and what I think, and who I am now. It is such a gift to be able to be in Christ!

The watercolor of wheat was inspired by another's painting. It was really the combination of colors that struck me. Mine did not really turn out they way I had envisioned but I learned a few things along the way.
I did a freehand sketch of the wheat using my pigma micron pen. I water colored the image and let it dry completely. I found that I had lost much of the detail in the picture. I went back over the image with colored pencil adding details that I had lost. 
The lesson: don't be afraid to use whatever you have to create the art you envision.

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