Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Bible Art Journaling 101 Lesson 4

I apologize for the quality of the photo. I was snapping pictures quickly with my phone and didn't check the pictures for sharpness. The ladies in my local class let me snap a few pictures of their first verses. I would know this first one because Alison's husband loves tractors. I love that she was able to work a JD tractor into her verse! This is so cute:-)

Carolyn said she was starting easy with only two words, "Jesus wept" -pretty powerful isn't it?

This one is in Bobby's Bible but she confessed her granddaughter, Jane, did it. I love it! I love how she spelled out the verse (Philippians four eight)

Lisa found a way to pack a lot of style into her first verse! I was impressed with everyone!
Thank you, my friends, for making this such a wonderful adventure!!

Click the picture below to download lesson 4

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Matthew 5:13

I think this might be the first one with zero coloring.
I saw a printable poster on pinterest and thought it was a perfect fit for my Bible Art Journaling.
I used a pencil to sketch, a white soap eraser, 005 pigma micron pen, and a 03 pigma micron pen to fill in the letters.

This Wednesday the 4th lesson in Bible Art Journaling 101 will be posted. You can join the FREE class at any time and work at your own pace. 
Below you will find links to the blog posts containing lessons currently available:

and lastly, I spent a good deal of time yesterday trying to fix the reply to comments function of this blog. I apologize for not seeing it sooner. I did reply to comments but they wouldn't show up. Anyway, it is fixed now :-)

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Psalm 23

My cup overflows
The 23 psalm
comes down to my cup overflows (for me)
when I am spending time with the Lord
there is an outpouring of love even in difficulties
and my cup overflows

I have a small stamp that has a tea cup. Years ago I made a card that had stacked tea cups (without the overflowing bit) and it was the perfect image for this one bit of psalm. 

I sketched this directly on the page and outlined with 005 pigma micron pen. I colored with crayola colored pencils.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Revelation 3:20

I made this one several weeks ago and forgot about it. I guess it just wasn't time to share it. I have been working on a few other creative things and am having a bit of a BAJ block (Bible Art Journaling Block). I am super glad that I forgot about this page so that I have something to post today. :-)

I was sitting in with our youth group and this verse came up. I will admit I have never read through Revelation. It always scared me before. I was glad to get this verse because it reminded me it is time to read through this book. 
I love the visual of the door cracked open...
I sketched this directly onto the page (during youth service) and used a pigma micron pen to ink it and colored it with crayola colored pencils.

Be encouraged to let go of fear and know Christ is with you.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Matthew 17:20

"If you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you."

This is a simple verse on the surface. The more I think about it the more I come to believe that one could spend a lifetime delving into the layers of complexity of this verse.

It acknowledges our ability to have faith, but it also knows our struggle with unbelief. 
I am not a theologian so I won't go into it but it does boggle my mind how much God has packed into each verse in the Bible.
What a gift we have!

The idea for the French's mustard bottle came from a pin I saw and loved. I added more detail and shading to mine but the original idea was from one more clever than I. 

I love this! 
I added the "since 2013" because that is when I turned my life over to Christ.

I sketched this one directly into my Bible and used micron pen to outline (005).It was colored with Prismacolor colored pencils. The shading was done with Derwent HB graphite pencil. 
I used the Prismacolor pencils because I wanted a brighter, richer, color and I didn't want to paint.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Bible Art Journaling 101 Lesson 3 | Proverbs 1:7

Okay, we have a lot to get to in one post.
It has been a busy week for our family and it doesn't seem like I have had the time to get this post together as well as I would like, so hang in there with me.
I did this verse because I love how timeless this truth is. Fools do despise wisdom and instruction. I have been there myself wearing that fools cap.

Here is another video demonstration...

And here is the 3rd lesson download for Bible Art Journaling 101
Click on the picture below to download

Please feel free to ask any questions you might have on the lessons. My local group has had some great questions that I had not thought of. Your feedback really helps me develop the downloads!
Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Bible Art Journaling 101 - You Can Join at Any Time

Elizabeth DeGraff asked yesterday about joining the class and catching up so I wanted to do a quick post to provide the links to the downloads in one post...

Lesson 3 will be posted on Wednesday. That will mark our half-way point in the class.
You can join at any time. 

I am teaching this class for the "non-artist" 
If Bible art journaling is something you have seen and loved but felt you aren't enough of an "artist" to do it - this class is for you!

Come and enjoy the process!

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Psalm 46:10

I have a friend Sheri S. and we like all sorts of crafty things. She saw a pin of mine on pinterest and she made a comment that she had a stamp that had:

Be still and know that I am God.
Be still and know that I am.
Be still and know.
Be still.

I love the message and I know I struggle with being still.
I knew I would do this verse the way Sheri shared it with me.
 I wanted to color it with blue for stillness but I always reach for blue...
I went with a soft peach/pink with green.
I wish I had gone with blue but I love the rest of it!

Wishing you a blessed day!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

John 21:25

I LOVE books -all books - can't get enough of them so when I saw this (a couple of versions of this) on Pinterest, I knew I would CASE it!
Not only that, I am likely to do it again with another verse.

I do love the thought of this verse being written...
Listen up folks, Jesus did many other things as well
if every one of them were written down
I suppose that even the whole world
would not have room for the
books that would be written.

LOVE that verse!

I used a pencil and ruler to draw this one and inked it using a micron pen 005.
Finished it up with crayola colored pencils.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Galatians 5: 22-23

Hope your 4th of July was full of fun and relaxation.
We have a big party at my house in honor of my step-father's birthday.
It is a lot of work but it is worth every minute of it to have the family (and friends) all gathered together in one place.
It is also a great time to remember the fruit of the spirit...
self control

These are good to remember at any family gathering but really we are equipped for everyday!

This verse I sketched directly into the Bible and used micron pens to color and outline. The banner is colored with Crayola colored pencil with a pink micron added over the top.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Jeremiah 29:11

This is a favorite verse for a lot of people.
I have heard some focus on the prosper part of this verse 
but that has never been the part that grabs me.

For I know the plans I have for you - 
for me that is very comforting. I like to know someone has a plan.

Not to harm you
Plans to give you HOPE and a FUTURE

For me, it doesn't get better than that!

When trouble comes, I reach for this verse.
In times of trouble I love that this is bright and springy
I wanted colors that make me feel like a summer day in San Diego!

This was sketched directly into the Bible and outlined using micron 005 & 03 pens.
I used Crayola colored pencils to color the verse.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Micah 6:8

One of my favorite visuals from the Bible is from Genesis 3:8

And they heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day

Can you imagine?
Hearing the Lord God walking in the cool of the day?

I simply adore the image of it.

This verse in Micah connects to that image to me.

Walk humbly with your God.

Kind-of a tall order but we are to do that very thing! 

This one was drawn directly on the page and outlined in micron pen 005 & 03.
I colored the verse with Crayola colored pencils