Friday, June 12, 2015

John 1:1

I remember when I last studied John in Sunday school how struck I was by this first verse.
That is a lot of theology in one sentence.
It is also a lot of power and comfort in one sentence.
This is the first verse I did without inspiration elsewhere.
I wanted it to be BIG since the impact of the verse was so BIG for me.

There is still time for you to join us in Bible Art Journaling 101. Every 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month in June, July, and August a new lesson will post. 
Click SUPPLY LIST for what you will need
Click FIRST CLASS DOWNLOAD to get started 
Check back on June 24th for the second lesson download


  1. So, your rays were colored with coloring pencils? I use watercolor pencils and love the result they give also. Have you ever used "gelatos?"

  2. Hi Shelley, this one was painted with crayola watercolor paints. As I move through teaching this class this summer, I am limiting the supplies I use so the people in the class don't feel like they have to spend a lot on a lot of supplies to get results they love. I haven't used gelatos yet, but I hear they are fun to work with and give beautiful results. -Joanie

  3. I'm very new to this, still learning.
    If you watercolor paint on the page... Doesn't it bleed through the other side?
    Any advice on supplies if you don't want it you bleed through (besides colored pencils)

    1. Hey Moe, thanks for the great question. Yes, it does bleed through. I am okay with that sometimes. I did try using a gesso on my pages that I did in October, and that does help the bleed through but it changes the texture of the paper, and leaves a little bit of a texture from the brush used to apply it. I didn't love the change in the paper. I will use it sometimes but mostly I don't mind the bleed through. AND I should add that I have had pages that I was able to use a combination of pencils and watercolor without bleed through when the pencils are used first. Hope this helps! -Joanie

  4. This is EXACTLY what I was looking for today! My church has been studying through the Gospel of John, and I decided to go back and keep a journal (9"x11", with a second identical one in case this one overfloweth) of the passages, sermon notes, etc. I discovered Bible journaling existed before I got very far into this. Thanks for the inspiration today, and for the tips about bleed-through. Since I'm new to this, I don't know the various ways to use supplies.

  5. That is my birthday so I want this to be my gift to me. ��

  6. That is my birthday so I want this to be my gift to me. ��
