Saturday, July 11, 2015

Psalm 46:10

I have a friend Sheri S. and we like all sorts of crafty things. She saw a pin of mine on pinterest and she made a comment that she had a stamp that had:

Be still and know that I am God.
Be still and know that I am.
Be still and know.
Be still.

I love the message and I know I struggle with being still.
I knew I would do this verse the way Sheri shared it with me.
 I wanted to color it with blue for stillness but I always reach for blue...
I went with a soft peach/pink with green.
I wish I had gone with blue but I love the rest of it!

Wishing you a blessed day!


  1. I would like to join the Bible Art Journaling Class. I will catch up to the be current. Is there something I should download?

  2. Elizabeth - we have had 3 classes (with 3 to go) each handout is available for download as well as a supply list. I look forward to seeing your creations! -Joanie
