Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Bible Art Journaling 101 Lesson 3 | Proverbs 1:7

Okay, we have a lot to get to in one post.
It has been a busy week for our family and it doesn't seem like I have had the time to get this post together as well as I would like, so hang in there with me.
I did this verse because I love how timeless this truth is. Fools do despise wisdom and instruction. I have been there myself wearing that fools cap.

Here is another video demonstration...

And here is the 3rd lesson download for Bible Art Journaling 101
Click on the picture below to download

Please feel free to ask any questions you might have on the lessons. My local group has had some great questions that I had not thought of. Your feedback really helps me develop the downloads!
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Hi, Is there anyway I can purchase some sheets of the fonts from you? I don't have anyway to print anything.
    Thank you, Cindy

  2. Cindy, I am happy to send some to you. Sorry for the delay in the visible response. I replied the day you posted but there was an issue with the setting. You can message me on facebook. -Joanie

  3. Thank you, again. I look forward to the next one!
