Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Bible Art Journaling 101 Lesson #2

Hopefully, you have been working these past two weeks on getting your verses sketched and have been practicing different hand lettering.
Hopefully :-)

Lesson #2 Download click below

I wanted to do a video that takes you through my process of creating and then transferring the verse into the journaling Bible but I ended up with 4. They took a long time to do so we have sped it up 16x so that it is only a 4 min (or less) video.

Here is the first video:

And here is the second:

If you missed the first lesson download you can find it HERE or you can click on the picture in the sidebar.


  1. Replies
    1. You are very welcome and thank YOU for stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment! -Joanie
