Monday, June 29, 2015

Luke 7:50

What a great reminder. 

I love the book of Luke. I like his perspective. I like how he tells the story of Jesus.

I used a bookmark as inspiration for this page.
I sketched it directly to the Bible and used a micron pen to outline it.
I then colored the image using Crayola colored pencils. 
I like to go over the the image and darken some parts to make them stand out.
The dove isn't colored but left the color of the page. It looks whiter because of the blue that has been darkened around the dove.

Your faith has saved you; go in peace

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Bible (Art) Journaling | when you don't feel like an artist

Something I have been hearing a lot lately is, "I can't do this. I am not an artist."
To which I want to say...
Do you sing praise and worship in church?
followed by...
Are you a professional singer?

Are you a witness to Christ's love for us?
followed by...
Are you a pastor by profession?

As of this writing, I have never had someone say yes to the follow-up answer.

I am not the best singer, but I LOVE to sing praise and worship.
I am not a professional teacher nor am I in ministry as a profession, but I try to share the love of Jesus whenever He opens that door.

Bible art journaling is the same thing, my friends!

If you view this as a joyful expression of your love for God's word and not a comparison for the art you see on pinterest, you will fall in love with this -the process and the end result.

It is easy to fall into the trap of wanting to create something somebody has done and finding we can't quite do it the same way and then feel discouraged.

God created you, the way you are for HIS purpose. 

Create verses that have meaning for you - use this as an expression of your love for Him -and find great joy in the process.

One thing I add at the each of each lesson (hand out or in-person) is:

"Lastly, remember this Bible of yours has 1066 pages. You will have a wonderful opportunity to fill it up over time. Not every verse you do will be your favorite, but you will love them all because they are the word of God! Beautiful verses filled with everything we need to live a life full of joy!"

Be encouraged today!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Bible Art Journaling 101 Lesson #2

Hopefully, you have been working these past two weeks on getting your verses sketched and have been practicing different hand lettering.
Hopefully :-)

Lesson #2 Download click below

I wanted to do a video that takes you through my process of creating and then transferring the verse into the journaling Bible but I ended up with 4. They took a long time to do so we have sped it up 16x so that it is only a 4 min (or less) video.

Here is the first video:

And here is the second:

If you missed the first lesson download you can find it HERE or you can click on the picture in the sidebar.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Ephesians 5:14

I seem to be doing a lot of verses with sunshine. I will just say, I didn't plan it. I work on verses that strike me and I want to remember. My friend, Gina, read from the book of Ephesians at church yesterday and while I was trying to find what she had read this verse jumped out at me.
I like the thought of being called on... "Awake O sleeper"
That was me, sleeping.... before being called.

Be sure to check back on Wednesday for the second lesson in Bible Art Journaling 101 Class!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

John 17:17

I was sitting in Sunday school this past Sunday, and this verse came up in our study. I love it when a verse hits me like a brick wall.
I quickly sketched this one out. I added the ink and colored it on Monday. I used a sponge and ink to create the sun and rays. 

I was listening to the radio while on a long drive and found myself listening to a woman talk about coveting. I didn't catch who she was or the title of her book but she went on to talk about the importance of the ten commandments. Not as a finger wagging don't do this sort of thing but that they were given for our happiness and joy. Coveting is the enemy of contentment. She talked of an article she read where the author coined the phrase Obsessive Comparison Disorder (See Article HERE). The phrase is in response to the cultural shift in obsessive social media and the shift from interpersonal relationships to how many likes and "friends" one has. Social media gives more people a look into our homes, and triumphs, than ever before. It also can lead to a trap of not feeling as though we measure up. Comparison.
The fact is there will always be somebody who is (insert your thing here) than we are.
To find contentment, we must count our blessings.
After searching for an hour, I finally found the woman and the broadcast I was listening to..
Kay Wills Wyma  The Danger of Comparison

Okay, speech over. :-) 

Monday, June 15, 2015

1 Thessalonians 5:24

This one was a quick one. I love the watercolor bleed on the page. The message of this verse deserves a BIG space  because it is a GREAT reminder of God and his promises.

Happy Monday to you!

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Psalm 116:15

I started doing the Beth Moore Siesta Sisters Memory Verse Challenge on Jan 1 of this year.
I have never been very good at memorizing scripture, but I have found that doing Bible art into a journaling Bible has been so helpful (and wonderfully fun too).
So on June 1 when I logged into post my memory verse for the first part of June, Beth had a video message about the loss of her father in law. She quoted this scripture. I hadn't really thought about it-this verse. We lost a church member recently who was an amazing example of Christ's love, peace and strength. I had only known her during her battle with brain cancer, but my goodness, she was amazing! On the day I was going to church to help with her service, I got word that someone else I knew passed away. 
With each of these situations, this verse came to mind.
I knew it would be my next memory verse.

Friday, June 12, 2015

John 1:1

I remember when I last studied John in Sunday school how struck I was by this first verse.
That is a lot of theology in one sentence.
It is also a lot of power and comfort in one sentence.
This is the first verse I did without inspiration elsewhere.
I wanted it to be BIG since the impact of the verse was so BIG for me.

There is still time for you to join us in Bible Art Journaling 101. Every 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month in June, July, and August a new lesson will post. 
Click SUPPLY LIST for what you will need
Click FIRST CLASS DOWNLOAD to get started 
Check back on June 24th for the second lesson download

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

2 Timothy 1:7 | Bible Art Journaling 101

This is one of my memory verses and it is one that took me a long time to layout.
This is the only one I colored using Stampin' Up! ink and a sponge. I like the look of it. I used soft colors that I knew would mix well (yellow and blue make green).

Our Bible Art Journaling Class went well yesterday.
I am posting the same handout here that my local ladies got.
Please feel free to ask any questions you might have once you have read through the handout. 
The pages with photos (pages 2 & 3) are meant to print out in color. The remaining pages are black & white.

Click on the above picture to download Week One Lesson

Monday, June 8, 2015

Psalm 34:8

I did this verse months ago as a practice for different lettering.
The verse is the star on this page. 
No need for anything fancy... just some cotton candy pink coloring.

Tomorrow is the start of our Bible Art Journaling 101 class if you are local.
For those of you that will join us online your week one materials will post here on Wednesday.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Lamentations 3:22-23

I have a couple of things to say about this post...
First, it didn't turn out like I had hoped. More about that later.

Secondly, these verses came about from a prayer meeting this past week.
We have friends in India and they have been enduring unbelievable heat.
A heat wave in India is not like a heat wave here. 
Air conditioning is not common, having water can be an issue, so combine that with 122 degrees and you will have many deaths and heat stroke. 
One of my friends brought to mind these verses and I knew these would be my verses for the week.
We prayed for the heat to break for them the following morning... and temps came down to 99 the following day. 
His mercies are indeed new every morning!

My finding Bible Art Journaling coincided with my doing the Beth Moore Siesta Sisters Bible Memory Challenge (how is that for a title?)
This has been the best way for me to memorize scripture. I find I can visualize my page and read it rather than remember it. It has been such a blessing!

At the beginning of the post I mentioned that these pages didn't turn out the way I had planned.
That is because I picked up some inexpensive watercolor pencils and that is what I used to color my verses. Sometimes inexpensive is an okay thing....other times it is worth it to  pay for quality.
This is one of those cases. The pencil didn't blend very well and it took a lot of water to get them to blend at all. I don't love it.

The left side turned out better than the right. I thought about adding real watercolor paint to it but in the end I think I will leave it like it is. Sometimes our imperfections are good too.
Besides, now these pages will remind me of the prayed for break in a deadly heat wave.

I have been singing ...great is thy faithfulness...for days :-)

Don't forget our FREE Bible Art Journaling Class begins this coming week.
If you want more information you can sign up HERE and download a materials list HERE

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

2 Corinthians 5:17

I love a good before and after. 
I am a fan of HGTV Fixer Upper, Flip or Flop...
Any show where I can see transformation, I am hooked.
I was thinking about this the other day. What is it about seeing something a hot mess and seeing it transformed into something new and improved.
Restaurant Impossible, Bar Rescue, Kitchen Nightmare, Love it or List it...
all of these are shows where the viewer gets to see the before and after.
It got me thinking about the biggest transformation I have experienced in my own life. I knew the perfect verse for me to do.

When anyone comes to Christ they are a new creation!

Just in case you missed the details of the FREE CLASS starting next week SEE HERE
Sign up in the comment section of this POST